Monday, December 14, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
Bababadoo, workin' hard for the money
Uh, as you can see, I stay pretty busy now a days. There's a lot more activity around here ever since the childrens started coming. They babababug me sometimes, but I persevere. Sometimes I don't mind it so much, especially when they drop food on the ground or when they give me a good scratch. It's this circus act that babababothers me. Every time there's a group of kids around my mom (jerk) makes me do tricks. And then all the childrens want me to do tricks. Bababahumbug. Other than that I'm very happy to have the childrens around again and I'm looking forward to babababumming around the lake some more this week. But for now, gotta get some work done.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Bababadoo, Surfin' USA

Monday, June 1, 2009
Bababa Fruit and Cake
Uh, so, sorry it's been so long since I've updated everybody. A lot's bababahappened since I last updated. Babababut I'll get to that at another time. Today, I want to talk about my friend Phil. Um, as you all know, a Fig Newton is not a cookie, it's fruit and cake. My friend Phil let me have some bababafruitandcake last night and it was absolutely delicious. So, um, I guess what I'm sayin' is thanks Phil, you're a true friend.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
La la la de de da bababadoo
Friday, February 6, 2009
There's not much else to talk about today. I'm eating my chicken noodle soup and resting up bababadoo 'cause I don't want to be sick for my trip to FunGomery, the land of good times. I hope you are all feeling better than I bababado do.
Until next time,
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Bababawalkin along, singin this blog...
I hope that you are well this morning. I feel rather negligent in not telling you this in an earlier post but, uh, bababadoo, you should know that my voice sounds a lot like Louis Armstrong. Think raspy and jazzy and that's my voice. So, when you read this, you should read it in my true voice. Bababadoo.
So, what happened yesterday? I spent most of the day hanging out with my mom in the office. It was a nice day but it got a little cold outside. I stayed inside as much as possible. As you can see in my picture, I kept my jacket on because of the cold. By the way, bababadoo, that's a picture of me bababablogging on my laptop. Well, it's actually my mom's laptop but I take it when she's not looking or when she leaves me. Well, bababadoo, not much else going on. I think I'm going to go and eat a cupcake when no body's looking.
Until next time,
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Bababadoo Good Morning
I had a good night's sleep last night but I was kind of pissed 'cause my mom left me alone. Bababadoo, I don't like it when she does that. I kinda like to sleep on her bed and stretch out when she's gone though. While she was out of the cabin I played her Xbox but had trouble with it 'cause what I really need are opposable thumbs. (That's my angry face 'cause I'm fed up with this game bababadoo)
I was very excited to see her this morning and now I'm gonna go romp in the leaves bababadoo.
Until next time,
Tuesday, February 3, 2009