Monday, April 30, 2012

This video was posted on behalf of Mr. Joe. He was a good boy and he will be missed, but those of us who had the joy of having him be a part of our lives are grateful for the good times we had with him.


  1. Baba ba-bye Mr. Joe. we'll take care of Sam now. you've done a fine job and we will always remember your love, patience, and willingness to have a good time.
    favorite memories: 1. tollerating Duke's and Red's dumbasses.
    2. Eating burnt to the crisp potatoes that you dug out of the coals when we went camping in that illegal camping spot.

  2. Sam, I loved Mr. Joe, even though I never met him, because of your hilarious stories and impressions. He had the best mom in the world and he was a lucky, lucky boy.

